Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy 6th birthday to my best girl!

So, I actually committed to 31 posts within the 31 days of October... so while I didn't have time to post yesterday, I'll double up today.  And I swear I will try to accomplish these 31 posts!

Lilly had an amazing year last year (ok, when has Lilly not had an amazing year?).  But really, her school, her friends, it was all just really good.  We celebrated her 6th birthday in June by going to the Little Gym with all her friends.

This was her second Little Gym party - she had one in Charlottesville 2 years before, for her 4th birthday, and it was a lot of fun.  This year was just as good - they just throw a nice, easy party, and totally know how to get the kids excited and to have fun.  And all we needed to bring was the cake!  (And a check.)

I wasn't into taking too many pictures but here are just a few random shots of L and her friends... And I threw one of Ben in too so you know he made his appearance.

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